The Best ever
My best holiday ever wasn´t a date in specific, rather was in the summer in general because was a trip to the Lago Rapel. This was my first time traveling without my family because I went with girlfriend's family. In the begginig was improvised because I went to my girlfriend house and was like "We are going to Lago Rapel, you want to go with us?", with a surprised face accept I went back to my house and prepare the things I need to the trip, my mom was like "what?, where?, how,? why?", then I cam back and we take car to our destination, it was very dark and in a moment in the road a tire deflate and we have to get out of the car and helps to take out the luggage to find the other tire, and then the road was very very dark so much thuat you only can saw the lights of the cars that went ahead, that was the scary part, then we arrive to the camping and was so fun. For me is my best "holyday" because was my first time going by my own, like I p...